04 Maggio 2024


results: 1-3 / 3
S.O.S Pilgrims
26-04-2024 22:37 - Services
S.O.S pilgrims service is available in case of emergency or difficulty to reach the next stopping place

contacts: gabry.corti@gmail.com - Mob +39 3358176591 - 3355481452

Bike hire and bicycle shelter
07-06-2018 21:05 - Services
Bike hire available for short day trips in the area
( maps available ). Private garage available for storing bicycles.

Luggage transport and S.O.S pilgrim service
01-01-2000 - Services
In case of need or emergency it is possible to arrange for the transport of luggage along the Via Francigena section between Ivrea and Vercelli.
The service is only on reservtion

contacts: gabry.corti@gmail.com - Mob +39 3355481452

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